Ensuring remarkable Jewish Education is accessible for all
Access to Jewish education at Bialik College is the focus of the Foundation, ensuring affordable, world-class education for generations to come.
We bring to life visionary projects and programs for all of our children and grandchildren. Your support will ensure these opportunities exist for our current generation of students as well as future generations to follow.
We believe in meaningful giving.
Support one of our Foundation initiatives.

Scholarships & Bursaries
Education is a life long gift and a scholarship or bursary has a profound impact on a child’s life. A named bursary or scholarship can be a very special way to honour a loved one.
Call us to discuss if you have any projects you want to talk about.
Bialik is proud to offer several scholarships:
Josh Frydenberg Scholarship
Pratt Foundation Scholarship
Ruben Fried Scholarship
Richard and Margo Melzak Bursary
Don Marejn and Sonia Marejn (née Szmukler) Bursary
Henry & Gittle Makby Bursary
Eric Smorgon Scholarship
Anne Smorgon Memorial Scholarship
Academic Scholarships
Performing Arts Awards and Music Tuition Awards
Council / General Excellence / President Awards
Mark and Hilary Blankfield Scholarship
Minnie Smorgon Bursary

Future Fund
Established in 2014, the Bialik College Future Fund was created to provide a sustainable source of income to reduce the cost of Jewish education for the next generation of Bialik families. Invest in the continuity of our vibrant Jewish community and help us continue to create the leaders of tomorrow.
Primary Bursaries
Primary bursaries are a key component of our enrollment strategy, designed to make Jewish education more accessible to families. At Bialik College, we are committed to fostering an inclusive community by providing opportunities for more students to benefit from our exceptional educational experience
Tzedakah Fund
The Bialik Tzedakah Fund at Bialik College will provide significant relief to families facing financial challenges. While many of us may take for granted the ability to cover non-school fee related expenses, such as school uniforms, musical instruments, tefillin, excursions, or camps, for some families, this is simply beyond their means.
Well-being Program
At Bialik College, the well-being of the entire community is paramount, rooted in strong relationships among students, teachers, and families.
We have a dedicated Child Safety and Well-Being team which offers regular support, training, and education for volunteers, teachers, and students.
To maintain a comprehensive approach, external experts and internal staff provide presentations, guidance, and consistent support. The school emphasises help-seeking with developed posters and regular staff references.
Chavayah Program
Bialik’s Chavayah Program is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Year 10 Bialik students to bond as a year level in a Jewish, Israeli, global environment with learning experiences that are life-changing. Fundamental to its success is the College’s commitment to ensure that all students, irrespective of their family’s financial situation, are able to participate in this seminal experience.
Year 12 Legacy Project
At Bialik, we believe in the power of giving back, and leaving the school in a better place for those who follow in your footsteps. The Year 12 Legacy Project, which began in 2020, has been a powerful way for students, families and supporters to mark the conclusion of their Bialik journey with a meaningful contribution. It is a tradition that continues to strengthen each year, and we are thrilled to provide our graduating classes to leave their own mark as part of this enduring legacy.

Maccabi Aquatics
Maccabi Aquatics at Bialik College has been established as part of a long-term strategic partnership between Maccabi and Bialik and will operate for the benefit of the community.
Maccabi Aquatics is based at the Bialik College Gringlas Sports Centre and offers a complete aquatics program including Learn-to-Swim, Junior, Senior, State, National, All Abilities & Master’s Squads and has plans for Water Aerobics and general Fitness Squads.
The Maccabi Aquatics team are working closely with Bialik’s sports department in running its curriculum swimming, school swim squads and fitness, health & wellbeing aquatic programs at the College.
In the true spirit of a Not-for-Profit community partnership, all surplus funds earned will flow back into the community via the Maccabi Victoria and Bialik College Foundations.
The Bialik College Foundation is proud to be part of this community partnership and will use all funds received to continue to support our College and community.
Alan Finkel Launch Lab
Bialik’s new home for Science and Innovation. With open, collaborative spaces and breakout areas, Launch Lab represents a new approach to learning, liberating our students to play and explore. This is about more than just teaching Science – it is about fuelling curiosity for the world and nurturing the change-makers of tomorrow. Building works to commence in 2022 and to be complete by 2023.